What People Are Saying…
Maiden America’s heirloom quality accessories and gifts are all lovingly handmade in celebration of family values, hard work, ingenuity and quality workmanship. Our Made in the U.S.A. products support local jobs/economy.
True, tried and tested, our customers share their responses to Maiden America’s unbeatable no slip clips (we smile as what begins with skepticism turns into, “OH, BIG WOW!”).
Reviewed by
Read to Me, Dad
“There are three factors that I think make these barrettes something special. Non-Slip, Handmade, and Cuteness…this [Non-Slip] is no joke…”

Reviewed by
The Full Mommy
“I was skeptical about the claim that these clips never slip, but dude. They don’t…Those suckers didn’t budge.”